Updated July 5, 2012

From Virginia Fentress. Original pencil drawing by Joseph E. Friznell from the collection of The Old Coast Guard Stations.

April 15, 2012. Wash Woods Coast Guard Station.

November 2, 2010. False Cape State Park From the Virginian-Pilot.

August 19, 2010. Melinda Lukei. A Brief History of Wash Woods.

April 21, 2012. Beulah Frances Grimstead Dixon Collection.

May 24, 2010. Janet Grimstead Simons. Virginia Beach Beacon dated December 21, 2000. THE WAY IT WAS. An interview with Romie Waterfield.

April 20, 2012. Comment - Wash Woods was a voting precinct until 1966. In the Princess Anne-Virginia Beach Merger Referendum of 4 January 1962 8 votes were cast. All were in favor of the merger.
Jo-Ann Clegg in an article dated December 1, 1996 wrote:
"As Wash Woods goes, so goes Virginia Beach" was the saying around here at election time not too many years ago. Residents always voted early in the morning so the returns were in before most of the rest of the city had gone to the polls. Since folks down there always voted Democratic and most of the rest of the area did too at that time, the saying always proved to be true.

June 26, 2010. Comment - Jane Brumley: I took this picture on a visit to False Cape/Wash Woods. I interviewed Romie Waterfield, who was born and grew up on Wash Woods living there most of his life until he moved to Knotts Island after retiring from the Back Bay Wildlife Refuge. He will have his 92nd birthday in July. His father, Charlie Waterfield, built this boat for transporting hunters to and from Newport News Hunting Club.

July 12, 2010 Brenda McLaughlin collection. My Granddaddy, Earlie Midgett was born December 5, 1898 in Rodanthe, NC. He conveniently moved his birthday to July to join the Coast Guard on September 23, 1916. He was stationed at Washwoods in 1937 and again in 1949. The pictures were taken by my Aunt Shirley in 1950. Granddaddy retired July 20, 1951.

July 19, 2010 From the Collection of Janet Grimstead Simons.

Wash Woods Church about 1968
Wash Woods Steeple in 2008