Updated January 8, 2017.

From the Newspaper Collection of John Munden. The Beacon. February 6, 1977

January 8, 2017. From Theresa Willis - North End and Ferry Dock.

January 8, 2017 comments from FaceBook. During the snowstorm of February 1977, a nor'easter pushed all that ice up on shore at the North End. It took everything in its path. Cars were driving on the ice. Everybody enjoyed slidding around. Fortunately no wrecks. However a truck from VA thought he could handle going out there further than the rest of us and one wheel fell through. Jimmy Etheridge went out there in his tow truck and pulled him out. They were the fun days. North End was the place to be. The hugh pile of icy snow had an ice for sale sign on it. At the ferry dock the chains on the ferry stayed covered in ice. The spray from the waves froze on the deck and our cars. Nothing quite like slipping on the ice and landing hard on the ferry deck in a mini skirt! No other students in the world had these issues.

The Washington Post February 7, 1905.

The Constitution, Atlanta, GA Saturday, February 11, 1905