Updated December 12, 2013.



February 7, 2012. 1963 ANNUAL REPORT AND OFFICERS

February 10, 2013. MAY DAY CELEBRATION

February 18, 2012. MAY DAY PROGRAMS

January 27, 2012. VARIETY SHOW

December 11, 2011. MISS KNOTTS ISLAND

November 18, 2011. ACTIVITIES

June 17, 2012. STREET SIGNS

January 24, 2013. RESCUE SQUAD

January 28, 2013. From Jimmy Cason. George Sauer( Fire Chief ), Maurice Waterman, Aubry Waterfield, Norwood Ansell (President), Bill Stevens and UJ Dixon. The Fire truck is a open cab Seagrave year and model unk
1960's. There was an audible siren mounted on top of the pole on the roof on the right side of the building. This was in the days long before pagers and cell phones, the siren was used to notify the community of an emergency. I also remember it going off every night at 7pm. This was for a roll call of the stations.

January 27, 2012.

December 12, 2013. From Jimmy Cason. Virginia Beach Sun. March 28, 1968.

Water Everywhere -- Except Pumpers

November 18, 2011. From Fire Department records.

June 17, 2011. Photos from Carole Strawhand.

Casey Munden
Harold Capps, Lionel Etheridge
Lionel Etheridge, "Hutch" Hutchinson
Mattie Capps, Linda Cooper, Della Lewark
Frank Jennings

November 17, 2011. From Fire Department records. 1992 - 30 year celebration and "Thank You" to first Fire Chief Sauer.

R-L: Susan Sauer, Georgia Cason
George Sauer
Marshall Cherry, Mary Switzer, ?, Kristi Strawhand, Susan Sauer, Cassie Hutchinson, Della Lewark

November 17, 2011. MISCELLANEOUS. From Carole Strawhand.

Bruce & Victoria Rentrop, Mattie & Harold Capps.
Janie Cason, Jane Etheridge, Schultzy