Ferry Toll Info 2015

Updated July 21, 2014.


January 20, 2014. FERRY TOLL 2

January 29, 2014. FERRY TOLL 3

January 18, 2014. FERRY TERMINALS

January 22, 2014. FERRY TOLL COMMENTS

February 5, 2014. FERRY TOLL MEETING


February 14, 2014. COUNTY LETTERS


February 11, 2014. FERRY TOLL LETTERS

March 4, 2014. FERRY TOLL LETTERS 2


February 17, 2014. DAILY ADVANCE ARTICLE

February 13, 2014. ALBEMARLE RURAL PLANNING ORGANIZATION Email addresses, mail address and comments.

February 13, 2014. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Mail, Email addresses

February 10, 2014. SENATE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Email addresses, Info

February 10, 2014. HOUSE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Email addresses, Info





January 9, 2014. From Commissioner Vance Aydlett: The Tolling of our Ferry is a hot item again as well. I need any info I can get that goes back to when the ferry was put here. I had a copy of numerous newspaper articles that covered the dedication services that were held and attended by numerous State officials. I left them with the House Speaker after a meeting three years ago when the idea was to do away with the ferry. Tolling of up to seven dollars for a one way trip is now on the agenda. I will continue to fight against it but it is going to be a tough battle. I understand that Public Meetings will have to be held and I will insist Knotts Island is included as a site for one. If anyone has any old info I need copies to help me formulate my arguments. Any help will be appreciated. Also as time goes on we will need to Lobby Rep. Steinburg and Sen. Cook. The County on my request is formulating a letter to them asking for their position first, and their support to stop this. The legislature has shoved the decision down to DOT and the RPO committees which gives them cover of saying it was not our decision. B.S. This is one where the community is going to have to stand up and get involved if it continues to track forward. Will keep you informed.

January 11, 2014. From Commissioner Vance Aydlett: I have received a copy of the proposed Tolling Model for all ferries in the NC system. I will share as it relates to the Knotts Island Ferry system. This is not set in stone so I understand, but I expect its close. These figures come from DOT. Pedestrian--$1.00, Bicycle--$2.00, Motorcycle--$3.00, Vehicle<20 ft--$7.00, Vehicle 20 to 40 ft--$14.00, Vehicle larger than 40ft--$28.00. I have been invited to a meeting with DOT and selected County officials Monday to discuss the Tolling and possible exemptions. I hear there is some willingness to talk about exempting the School bus travel. I am planning to discuss the original mission of the ferry and how that mission has not changed first and foremost. However I don't know how much success that will bring. I hear that any exemptions will have to be "across the board" meaning that it will effect all ferry routes. I believe and will argue that exemptions should be centered on location and the impacts should be thought thru on that individually. In other words same size does not fit all. Our local BOC stands with me so will see what Monday brings. If the outcome is not favorable then I will contact our State Legislators to see if there is any willingness to assist us. If that does not work them we can start a local lobbying effort with them. I also will be requesting that any Public Hearing regarding this issue be scheduled and held on Knotts Island.

January 14, 2014. From Commissioner Vance Aydlett: I met yesterday for approx. 2 1/2 hours with four DOT officials, the County Mgr. and two fellow Commissioners. It was a good frank meeting with a lot of conversation. I led off the meeting talking about and showing clippings from newspaper articles about the mission of the KI ferry when it was dedicated in 1962 and my thought are that that mission remains the same today, first to join KI to the rest of the state and second to provide a means to transport our children to N.C. schools. I then went into all the reasons that were present as to why I believe all KI residents should be exempt. It was explained to me that any exemptions have to be consistent throughout the entire ferry system and my thoughts of one size does not fit all will not work. The bottom line is we are going to see tolling and the best we can hope for appears to be whatever consistent exemptions we can justify. The State Legislature has approved this bill in the Budget authorization last year. Any ferry purchases has to be paid for now out of the road money authorizations from each district. There are 10 counties in our district with reps that make up the RPO and this group will be voting wheather or not to approve tolling. Currituck and Hyde county are the only ones with skin in the game in our region. If tolls are not approved by the RPO then ferry replacements will come out of the roads money. In essence, with approx. 23K authorized for roads and a new ferry costing 16 to 18K little money is left to do any road projects. So as you can imagine, 8 of those 10 counties are going to be voting yes to tolls. The toll money is supposed to be banked and held in escrow strictly to go for purchase of replacement ferry. One other thing I learned yesterday is that there is a second and third sheet to the tolling model. There will be an annual pass that can be purchased and the cost for that is as follows, Pedestrian--$40.00, Bicycle--$75.00, Motorcycle--$75.00, Vehicle <20 ft--$150.00, Vehicle 20 to 40 ft--$175.00, Vehicle > 40 ft--$225.00. You can also buy a system wide pass to ride any ferry for 75,150,150, 300, 350, and 400 dollars using the same criteria as above. Another thing I found out was that passengers in a vehicle are not charged anything, i.e. I pay a 7.00 toll to go to the mainland and I have three others in the vehicle with me then they are free. I suggested the permit needed to be transferable in case you have more than one vehicle, kind of like a handicap pass on the mirror. I stressed that exemptions for school needs to be more than the school bus, it should include students who drive to participate in any number of after school activities. I also stated that they should also apply for County sponsored recreation activities and for the parents who are transporting, coaching etc. I discussed that our County and State govt. obligations are across the water and I thought it is unfair to have to pay a toll to take care of these. There were more issues I discussed as well concerning my thoughts on fairness. I done my best and we will see what the final outcome will be. My gut tell me that if we can get across the board exemptions for our students, we have accomplished something. There will be a Public Hearing on KI sometime in mid February. In the meantime I will be lobbying the Transportation Board members I met with yesterday as much as possible. I can try to answer any question if they arise, however most of what I know currently has been passed along.

January 14, 2014. From Commissioner Vance Aydlett: Just noticed after re-reading the post I made a mistake in regards to the money figures It should read 23 Mil instead of 23K and the cost of a ferry should be in million instead of K (thousand). Sorry everyone for the mistake. I also read a couple of posts on facebook earlier concerning timing and why a public meeting. Just to answer that for all the ferry issue has been an ongoing saga for 4 years. First proposal was to do away with it. We were successful dealing with that after numerous trips to Raleigh and meetings with the Legislative leadership. Next came reductions to runs that Mr. Barnes and I met with Ferry Management and worked out some compromise. Last year the tolling issue came up. We expressed our opposition to this with our State Representative and Senator. A bill was introduced to require a study that looked for alternatives to tolling, how could they raise money in lieu of tolls. Somehow more language was added to bring us to the point we are at now. In regards to the Public Meeting, it is required to be held before implementation. The purpose is to listen to comments and suggestions as they relate to the project. Any official decision can not be made until this is held. The DOT people are only doing what they have been directed by congress and senate to do.

January 15, 2015. From Commissioner Vance Aydlett: Attached is a copy of the letter that was sent today to Rep. Steinburg and Sen. Cook. I also talked at length to Rep. Steinburg about the issue. He shared our concern and is investigating what is going on. I am expecting another call from him this evening. I would like to address a couple of other good questions I have been asked. 1. Why were we not notified earlier? Folks you are being informed and learning about this at the same time I am. 2. Why have a Public Hearing if its a done deal? At this point I don't know what is done or not. All I can do is relay what my thoughts are. I hope I am wrong. A Public Meeting is required to explain the tolling process and take comments. The RPO board will also be there to listen. Commissioner Petry is our representative on the RPO board and will cast Currituck's vote when it is taken.

LETTER: On behalf of the Currituck County Board of Commissioners and the citizens of Knotts Island, I am writing you regarding the proposed tolling of the Currituck-Knotts Island Ferry. Currituck County has gone on record in the past strongly opposing tolling, and our position remains unchanged. The Currituck-Knotts Island Ferry service was established over 50 years ago to ease the transportation burden for school children, resident workers and businesses who traveled over two hour round trip to and from Currituck County Mainland through the State of Virginia communities of Chesapeake and Virginia Beach. Although we continue to question whether NC General Statute (particularly § 136-89.197) allows for the establishment of a toll where there is no other North Carolina controlled surface route available, we are being told that the tolls are inevitable at this time. Tolling the Knotts Island Ferry at $7.00 one way will be devastating for the families who live on Knotts Island, particularly those of the 81 school children who ride the Ferry daily to J.P. Knapp Early College and Currituck County High School. Tolling the Knotts Island Ferry will place an unnecessary financial burden on citizens needing to interact with their local government or those that choose to participate in our senior, youth, school, or other community programs or events. Senator Cook, the Board of Commissioners is requesting a response from you regarding your position on placing tolls on the Currituck-Knotts Island Ferry and is respectfully requesting your plan to assist us with our plight. The Department of Transportation is required to hold a public hearing prior to the levying of any tolls. We understand this public hearing is being scheduled for the beginning of February in the Knotts Island community, and we urge you to attend to hear what the residents, your constituents, have to say. If there is nothing to be done to stay the imposing of tolls, we plan to respectfully request that the maximum exemptions be established for those who must utilize the Ferry for daily transportation. We appreciate any assistance you may render in this extremely important matter. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require further information. Daniel F. Scanlon II, County Manager