Knotts Island Diary
by Sue Fentress Austin
The early Knotts Island Baptist Church records were lost years
ago in a fire; therefore, this writer has drawn upon Henry
Ansell’s unpublished boyhood memories. He was a Knotts Island
native, born in 1832, and quite knowledgeable concerning the
religious, social and economical conditions of Knotts Island in
the 1800’s. According to Mr. Ansell, the Methodist Church has
always been, by and large, the prevailing religion of Knotts
Island. There were, however, other religious groups. In the early
1800s there was a "Free Church" which opened its doors to all
creeds. It was classified as a shanty and had apparently been a
private dwelling, either donated or purchased by the people for
divine services. Unfortunately, this arrangement led to disputes
and bickering.
Around 1840, the Knotts Island Methodist Episcopal Church
underwent internal chaos, of which the result was another church
group called "Reformers". These folks were disgrunted Methodists,
aided by a strong Baptist element, plus other outsiders. Church
members wanted more of a say-so in their affairs. None but
bishops, elders and preachers could vote. Another church called
the Methodist Protestant was built, even with its own preacher.
Reverends W. W. Walker and Jennings were two noted Reform
preachers. Big meetings were held by both churches at the same
time. Crowds would travel from church to church, often on foot and
they were only 1/2 mile apart. Eventually the two factions settled
their differences; laymen were given the right to vote, and the
church was no longer divided. The author imagines, as in all
disagreements, the appeasement was not 100% because in 1876 the
Baptist church was erected on land deeded by Mr. John Newman.
Before 1876 there had never been a Baptist church located in this
community, but religious families of this persuasion were quite a
few and influential on Knotts Island. Some names of note were Dick
Morris, Cabe Gordan, Alice Wade, Sally Ann Bowden, Levy & Pat
Miller, John & Nan White and George Cason. On the land
formerly owned by Mr. Newman, a small white country church was
built by local carpenters, John Wade being one. The décor
inside was the prevailing style at that time - tongue and grove,
eventually covered over by paneling. There was a raised pedestal
effect where the preacher stood. The church contained no Baptism
fount; therefore, the South End of the Island was usually where
the baptising took place. And in the style of present-day Corolla
Chapel (of the Outer Banks) and other smaller churches, there was
no altar. There were kerosene lamps along the walls and a tall
stove sat towards the middle of the room. Roll membership in the
late 1800’s was probably never more than 100; regular Sunday
attendance 30 to 40 continued until the mid 1950’s.
This church has always had an independence that reflects its
early religious heritage. The people strongly believe in
controlling their own internal affairs. Their Mother Church
was Oak Grove Baptist located in Creeds, Virginia. At the
present time (1970s) this is a Southern Baptist Church.
Revivals or "protracted meetings" as they were called more
than a century ago, would often last as long as a month.
Anything less than two weeks was considered a small affair.
Present day members can recall the small church being so
crowded that horse and buggies were drawn up to the outside
windows. Sometimes benches were even put outside to
accommodate extra folks.
Early preachers were circuit riders from Princess Anne
County (now Virginia Beach, VA). The frequency of services
depended upon weather conditions. The people walked to
church, pushing carriages containing several small
youngsters, or went in horse-drawn carts.
Around the turn ofthe century (1900s), the Baptist Church
was sometimes utilized for Children’s Day. Those who wished
could recite long speeches and such to the delight of their
families. Long time church member, Bessie Cason remembered
one such afternoon well because of a terrible electric storm
that was going on at the same time as recitations. Lightning
struck a tree outside and two horses were killed. Church
members had to go outside and bury the horses.
Music was provided by a pump organ at the little church.
Singing at both Island churches was led by Mr. John Taylor
Waterfield. Until the early 1950’s, many of the religious
folk attended the Baptist Church in the morning and the
Methodist for the 2 PM services.
With the advent of the automobile and better roads, church
attendance was severely affected. Many Island people had to
make the hard choice when both churches elected to hold
their services in the morning. For some families it meant
they no longer could attend as a unit and this no doubt
created internal strife.
There was some addition made to the church in 1912 by Dick
Morris and Sunday School rooms were also added in the 1950s.
During the 1970s and 80s the Knotts Island Baptist Church
underwent a spiritual reawakening and church membership
began to steadily rise. A beautiful new building was erected
in the spring of 1983 and dedicated on July 17 of the same
year. Membership continues upwards. Henry Ansell may yet be
proved wrong in his belief that Knotts Island would always
follow its church prestige and remain staunchly Democratic
and Methodist!
The original church clock was in possession of Jane Miller
Brumley. Her family members (Levy and Pat Miller) served as
caretakers of the church for many years and safeguarded this
precious possession of the church. It has now been returned.
The Knotts Island Baptist Church July 17, 1983
Service of Dedication brochure handout
includes the History of the Church.
Royal Hutchinson, Chairman
Bob Triplett, Raymond Williams, Buck Huffman, Larry Caffee
Church Plans - David StClair
Chester Blakeway, Chairman
Raymond Williams, Royal Hutchinson, Romie Waterfield, Farell
Huffman, George Cason, Chuck Cesil, Herman Ewell, Honorary
Building Foreman Way Hutchinson
Leona C. Lilley, noted Knotts Island correspondent for the
Virginian-Pilot Newspaper’s twice-weekly insert known as The
Beacon , wrote in a December 2/3, 1982 article entitled,
"Bible is the foundation of Knotts Island
In 1876, the Knotts Island Baptist Church consisted of only 17
members. Over the years church attendance ebbed and flowed. The
few who remained faithful began to work diligently, and over the
years attendance picked up. The beautiful church is surely the
result of earnest prayer and steadfast devotion by the faithful
few. When the new church was dedicated in 1983, members totaled
161. Only believe.
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